Resultat (
engelska) 2:
It is a week of shipment from the warehouse?
Please inform me of the UPS of the number Once you have shipped. It from the 7/15 our new shop opens. Because we can also new shop of the logo, will send. Thank you Pejihe publication of resellers. Wyndham in the arrangements already, you might have received a possibly. Desk of this lot number is not carried in trouble. This desk is ....... OMG had been in the wound in the warehouse of Lauritz Hi As We Should Move To Shipment We Discover A Minor Defect At The Drawer See Attached Pic. Right now, I saw this email. I am very troubled. And why .... I came the postage claims paid of goods of stray Jiffy was able to understand. It has confirmed the image of e-mail. Is this a new scratch? If the case of a new flaw. I to do not fix it is. Very in trouble. You can not convince a rebate of 300kr. Of this payment amount of money I would want to try to apply to the refund or a new successful bid payment. Then, I already take the arrangement of delivery, it is paid. If the wound is a new thing, you can not convince the Stray Jiffy is applied. Can Offer You We A Rebate Of DKK 300, - In Compensation Please Confirm Before We Ship For You Venlig Hilsen / Best Regards / Mit Freundlichen Grussen Åge Christensen Lauritz.Com, Engdahlsvej 17, 7400 Herning Tlf: Tasu45 31233290
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